Membership Plans
A version that works for just about anybody
The Socrates Platform is designed to give anyone direct access to information that was originally intended for industry professionals. This easy-to-use software-as-a-service solution allows you to research what you want, when you want. With different levels of engagement, the Socrates Platform has a version that works for just about anybody.
Our entry-level monthly membership option intended for a general audience interested in casually researching global market behavior at a high level. Basic Members receive the Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly time levels of the proprietary Global Market Watch (pattern recognition computer model) across all Covered Markets, while also having the option to access our unique Summary Analysis text (computer-generated content providing high-level summary of what the computer models are monitoring in market behavior). |
Our mid-level monthly membership is intended for more active and engaged users. Plus Members receive an expanded versions of the Global Market Watch and Indicating Ranges (adds Weekly time level output for each model) for all Covered Markets, and the option to access two different computer-generated analysis text versions – Summary Analysis and/or Detailed Analysis. |
Our top monthly membership option intended for advanced users. Pro Members receive the full output of the Global Market Watch and Indicating Ranges (Daily thru Yearly time levels for all Covered Markets), and have the option to access three different computer-generated analysis text versions – Summary Analysis, Detailed Analysis and Premium Analysis. |
ENTERPRISEANNUAL LICENSE FEE Intended for power users, industry professionals and multi-user accounts, the Business version of the Socrates Platform offers the most comprehensive solution in an annual license. This is a step up from Pro, offering some unique features and information not available on the standard version of the Socrates Platform. |
Covered Markets to research
Access information on a broad set of stocks, indices, ETFs, commodities, bonds, currencies and economic data points from around the world.
1,000+ |
1,000+ |
1,000+ |
1,000+ |
Global Capital Flow Heat MapMonitor global capital flows using an easy-to-read map, including pattern recognition output from our Global Market Watch. |
Market MoversQuickly identify the top 5 and bottom 5 movers based on price and Reversal activity |
Customizable WatchlistA convenient way to monitor market behavior at a high level across a list of Covered Markets you determine, collectively and independently, allowing you to keep your finger on the pulse of what you're most interested in before navigating to research in more detail. |
1 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
Global Market Watch
Members can research markets via our Global Market Watch (pattern recognition model for price movement), and our Summary Analysis text (high-level market behavior commentary, generated from sophisticated artificial intelligence engine).
Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly |
Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly & Yearly |
Daily, Weekly Monthly, Quarterly & Yearly |
Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly |
Indicating Ranges
A collection of high-level bullish, bearish, neutral indicators generated from proprietary models designed to offer a point-in-time observation of cyclical and technical characteristics of a market.
Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly |
Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly & Yearly |
Daily, Weekly Monthly, Quarterly & Yearly |
Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly |
Bundled Summary Market SubscriptionsSummary Market Subscriptions offer members additional information to research, including computer-generated analysis text of market behaviors and considerations. Each member plan is bundled with a predefined list of market subscriptions. Members can choose to purchase additional market subscriptions as well. |
25 |
50 |
100 |
All Covered Markets |
Bundled Detailed Market SubscriptionsDetailed Market Subscriptions offer members additional information to research beyond what is included in a Summary Market Subscription, including a more detailed computer-generated analysis text of market behaviors and considerations. Each member plan is bundled with a predefined list of market subscriptions. Members can choose to purchase additional market subscriptions as well. |
5 |
15 |
Member-selected Detailed Market SubscriptionIn addition to the predefined market subscriptions included with their membership, Plus and Pro members are able to select one market of their choosing for a Detailed Market Subscriptions (at no additional charge). Members can choose to purchase additional market subscriptions as well. |
1 |
1 |
Member-selected Premium Market SubscriptionIn addition to the predefined market subscriptions included with their membership, Pro members are able to select one market of their choosing for a Premium Market Subscriptions (at no additional charge). This is the most comprehensive market subscription in our monthly membership plans, which includes access to Reversals and Arrays. Members can choose to purchase additional market subscriptions as well. |
1 |
Annual License: starts with 25 Licensed Markets. |
Available Market Subscription TypesThe higher up the member plan, the more information that's available for a user to purchase via recurring Market Subscriptions or a one-time Snapshot Report (offers similar information to a Market Subscription, but limited to whatever updates were made on a certain date). |
Summary |
Summary or Detailed |
Summary, Detailed or Premium |
Summary Analysis: All Covered Markets |
Access to Quarterly & Yearly ReversalsThe Reversal System is a proprietary model identifying pressure points in market price (aka Reversal Points) which can serve as technical support or resistance, but when enough pressure builds a closing breach of a certain Reversal may signal a turning point. Quarterly and Yearly Reversals are exclusive to the Enterprise version of Socrates. |
Licensed Markets |
Access to Quarterly & Yearly Timing ArraysThe Timing Arrays are a collection of proprietary models that independently and collectively monitor financial market behavior for cyclical activity, assembled into a graphical table for quick reference. This tool can be used as part of your research - along with Reversals - to help identify potential market turning points. The Quarterly and Yearly Arrays are exclusive to the Enterprise version of Socrates. |
Licensed Markets |
Market FinderA powerful way to search across Covered Markets to find out which are demonstrating behavior that meets specific criteria you specify for your research (e.g. which have recently elected Reversals, Timing Array Panic Cycles, Global Market Watch important events, etc). This is exclusive to the Enterprise version of Socrates. |
Sign up | Sign up | Sign up | Request Pricing |